Quote of the Week

"I used to be someone else, but I traded him in based on the events of the day. So yeah I'm pretty much open to a buffet of possibilities" - My good buddy Krishna


I first met Susie at Atomic Billiards, a bar here in Washington. I was working at Uno's Bar and Grill at that time and the two were conveniently located within 100 feet of each other. What night of the week it was or even the exact date has escaped me now but it
was in fact night, that much I do know. I got off from Uno's late in the evening and headed over to Atomic where I met up with one of my best friends, Joey. For those (especially the ladies) wanting to know more about the Joey G Unit, fret not, he will have his own spotlight soon. Anyway, as I saddled up beside my good friend, he immediately played host and introduced me to the most beautiful woman I had ever met. Susie and I hit it off right away and we never looked back. The night was filled with shenanigans and touché. We played UNO (different from my employer but ironic) until the wee hours of the morning. Actually, given the management is different now than it was then, I will tell you that we were at that bar until about 6:00 am the next morning (very illegal).

As the sun rose that morning, Susie was met with the realism that she now had to go to work. I drove her home and watched her slowly make her way to her door. It was at that moment, as my heart felt like it had been removed from my body, that I knew I would marry her. They say you just know when you meet that person that they are the one and no one else will do. In the past, I believed for certain that I had experienced that very sensation. It was at this point in time, however, I realized indeed what that sensation truly felt like. She entered the house and closed the door. I turned to Joey and in so many words, said that she is the one. Now, while Susie was dealing with the harsh reality of facing a work day on no sleep, Joey and I were met with a different harsh reality, hunger. We made our way to McDonalds and enjoyed hash browns and McGriddles. We had earlier offered that Susie join us on our quest for fulfillment but she declined, thus Joey and I ate alone that morning.

Two years of friendship evolved into two years of dating, culminating with the end of our single lives through an amazing wedding. It may seem like I just skipped over quite a bit of the story but I can tell that part another time. This time, the story is about Susie. We have now been married for three years and it has been the best three years of my life. All together, I have known Susie for about eight years or so and have come to know what type of person she truly is. While I in no way make my wife out to be a saint, she's as close to heaven as I will ever come while on this earth. She is caring and kind, frequently going out of her way to make others feel at ease. Selfless in so many different ways, she is a remarkable role model for just about anyone. Generous to a fault and diplomatic to an even greater fault, making others feel alive and welcome is what she is all about.

Here now are some minor details about my wife. She was born and raised in Washington, D.C. The "and" was bolded in that last sentence, as she would only have it that way, because being a native Washingtonian is one of the attributes about herself that she treasures most. She is not a fan of scary movies or being tickled, although I think these are more guilty pleasures that she forbids herself to enjoy. She was born in December, just two days after Christmas. She went to school in Maine, where she attended Bates College (it's a good day to be a bobcat!).She watches an excessive amount of television, more than one human being should. One more thing about her, she makes me a better person. I thank God every day for her. I also thank Joey, since he was the delivery guy.

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