Alright Redskins fans, we're three weeks into the Shanahan era and so far, we're already below .500, standing somewhere in the lackluster NFC East division with a 1-2 record. We had a big win against Dallas in week 1, a heartbreaking loss to arguabley one of the beat teams in the NFL, the Houston Texans, in week 2 and a "What the hell just happened" loss to the Rams in week 3. Already, our season has experienced an amazing high and two crushing lows, leaving us all to wonder what the remaining 13 games of the regular season have in store for the burgundy and gold faithful. It should most definitely be exciting to watch, no matter the outcome, as the additions we made on both sides of the ball will almost certainly elevate this team to a level we have not seen since the Brad Johnson era...yes, I said Brad Johnson. Not to mention the coaching dream team that old uncle Danny has assembled; Shanahan, Shanahan and Hasslet. Even though their names spoken in succession may sound like your run-of-the-mill ambulance chasing law firm, they have already made it clear that the only thing they are interested in defending is the DC way of football life and restoring order to the nation's capital.
Big daddy Donovan McNabb was by far the greatest addition to the offensive unit in the offseason and we are more and more grateful to have him with every passing game. Of course, this meant saying goodbye to our now former field general, Jason Campbell. You remember Jason, don't you? He was the guy lined up behind the center that got got the crap kicked out of him for five straight years. He was also the guy with the million dollar arm and the five cent head. Last I heard, he was shipped off to Oakland, given the starting job and then subsequently benched after an 0-2 start to the season. One might imagine what must be going through his mind right now, "Well, in Washington, I had an injury depleated offensive line and a mediocre receiving corps. Now, I have NO offensive line, NO receiving corps and NO head coach!" For those that may not be familiar, Tom Cable is the "Head Coach" of the Oakland Raiders and may just be the worst coach of all time, right behind Wade Phillips of the Dallas Cowboys. Even though he did very little to make our team better, Jason Campbell is still a man of what many have described as "Impecable Character". Because of this, we should not hold a grudge against Jason and wish him the best in all his future endevours; this guy, if anyone, could surely use a break. Afterall, he did win us a few games, although he most certainly lost us a few more. Still, chances are we would not have the team we have today without his efforts (or lack there of). Therefore I say goodbye Norma "Jason Campbell" Jean, goodluck and try not to get beat up by your head coach.